NEVADA HEALTH CARE MODEL                          


This health care model is designed to increase the quality of care and dramatically reduce costs.

One of the side effects of this model is it increases the number of jobs in rural areas of a state.



The total cost for each individual is $143 monthly and includes:

1. Hospitalization                                                 

2. Prescription Drug Coverage    

3. Doctors Visits                                                       

4. Physical Therapy                                             

5. Chiropractic                                                              

6. Acupuncture                                                            

7. Mental Health Services                            

8. Dental Cleanings (2 yearly)




The ideal number of participants needed to get started is 86,609.

 Target starting location: Sparks, NV

Number of health care providers need to implement: 427

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State population: 3,194,176

Maximum number of unique health plan areas: 22

Implementation details

Health care system population capacity: 4,206,107

Possible plan areas and participant capacity:

Carson City 147,374
Carson City b 10,477
Elko 41,209
Henderson 227,697
Henderson b 201,156
Henderson c 6,985
Las Vegas 227,697
Las Vegas b 90,799
Las Vegas c 291,256
Las Vegas d 185,091
Las Vegas e 249,349
Las Vegas f 273,097
Las Vegas g 551,781
Las Vegas h 375,071
Las Vegas i 207,442
North Las Vegas 22,351
North Las Vegas b 147,374
Reno 110,356
Reno b 389,739
Reno c 97,784
Reno d 265,414
Sparks 86,609